Tuesday, April 17, 2018

User names in the sugarcrm.log instead of IDs

So normally the sugarCRM log file is filled with lines like this

Mon Apr 16 07:02:12 2018 [15900][412b8e70-febc-11e6-934a-52d504b662cb][FATAL] No Links found for relationship tasks_activities_1_tasks
Mon Apr 16 07:02:12 2018 [15900][420703ed-f2bc-e3f4-f906-566ef6f1e16d][FATAL] No Links found for relationship accounts_accounts_1
Mon Apr 16 07:02:12 2018 [15900][41a5d4a2-c01b-11e7-88b5-52d504b662cb][FATAL] No Links found for relationship cases_cases_1

Usually I am looking for an entry from a particular user so GUIDs are hard for old human eyes to read.  Even with FIND its a pain.  So I wrote this

This writes out a script and, when run, will rewrite the sugarcrm.log file with user_names instead of IDs.

So to use this you need to
  1. Copy this code to the root SugarCRM directory
  2. run it (php -f updateLog.php)
  3. Update the permissions on the file it creates (chmod 777 updateLog.sh)
  4. Run the script (./updateLog.sh)
Of course this only works on Linux or Mac and maybe the Linux Shell in windows, not sure abou thtat.  But anyway I like it and I hope up do to.

This could also be done in real time by overriding include/SugarLoggger/SugarLogger.php and changing the bit of code that write the line to the log file.  I can show that if anyone needs it, just ask.