So here is the complete story. First, this is the Developer Guide Manual page for this. Its fairly complete but it tells you to run the SugarLogic repair from the 'Schedulers' menu instead of the 'Repair' menu, small detail. It also does not really go over where the little 'how to' popup text is created. I will go over that here.
For this demo I made a simple SugarLogic expression that returns the number of years from a date until now. It was to show the age of a person based on a birthday field. Here is the code that I placed in this file 'custom/include/Expressions/Expression/Date/NumberOfYearsExpression.php'
Once you have the file in place you run the Admin > Repair > Rebuild Sugar Logic Functions repair and then clear your local browser cache. That last step is crucial.
There is a popup on the Expression Editor that explains hwo to use a function, in this case it looks like this
The text for this popup comes from that comment at the top of the file there, I dont know how or where they do that and it seems rather silly to do it that way but there you go. The comment in question is above the CLASS in the code
/** * <b>NumberOfYears(Date d)</b><br>
* Returns number of years since the specified date. */